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Innovative time-saving fixing solutions for American installers at CELO
The insulation plugs from CELO are "Made in Germany" and can be installed within seconds, as the sharp tip drills directly through the plaster without the need for pre-drilling.
At the same time, your insulation remains intact as the plugs are made of high quality, ageing and weather resistant nylon and prevent a thermal or cold bridge. At the same time, your insulation remains intact as the plugs are made of high quality, ageing and weather resistant nylon and prevent a thermal or cold bridge. Many of the insulating plugs also protect the façade effectively against the intrusion of moisture and humidity by means of a sealing ring. This saves you heating costs and prevents the formation of mould.
The insulation anchors from CELO have been specially developed for the requirements of different types of insulation and are your fastening solutions for ETICS, wood fiber insulation boards, perimeter insulation and much more.
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